Steve reads the poem 'We are each other' from his book The Clear Light. If oneness is our fundamental state, when do we often experience a state of separation? Steve discusses the idea of 'panspiritism' from his book Spiritual Science. He then (at 7.30) leads you through a meditation to cultivate a state of oneness. He finishes with a reading of his poem 'The Essence.'
In this podcast, Steve reads three poems (two from The Clear Light, one unpublished) and guides you through short meditative exercises, helping you to...
In my book Extraordinary Awakenings I told the story of Zak Khan, who had a powerful spiritual awakening in 2009, as a result of...
Steve reads several spiritual poems, including 'The Alchemy of Attention,' 'None of this is now,' 'You can only be sure of the present,' and...