In the first in a series of conversations with some of the "shifters" featured in my book Extraordinary Awakenings, I speak to Zak Khan, who underwent an amazing transformational experience while seriously ill with cancer. Zak died for a short time, and his description of the dying process is profound and inspiring. His encounter with death brought about a spiritual awakening that changed his life radically. He has lost all fear of death, and has faced his ongoing health challenges with acceptance.
Steve Taylor reads 'The Process' from his book The Clear Light then leads a discussion and meditation on dis-identifying from our thinking minds. Thinking...
The second in a series of short spiritual reflections to start the day, so that we can set our intentions for each day and...
In my book Extraordinary Awakenings I told the story of Zak Khan, who had a powerful spiritual awakening in 2009, as a result of...